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Irish Genealogy Resources
Thanks to Barbara Randall for this list of online and offline Irish genealogy resources.
Online Resources
- Ireland Genealogy Projects: www.igp-web.com
- Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: www.igp-web.com/IGPArchives/#gsc.tab=o
Church of Ireland: www.ireland.anglican.org/find-a-church
(scroll down to the bottom for ‘genealogy’ or ‘document library’) - National Archives of Ireland: www.nationalarchives.ie
- General Register Office of Ireland (certificates $): www.welfare.ie/en/Pages/GRO_Research.aspx
PRONI (Public Record Office of Northern Ireland): www.nidirect.gov.uk/proni
(historical documents and birth/marriage/death certificates) - Northern Ireland certificates $: www.nidirect.gov.uk/information-and-services/government-citizens-and-rights/births-deaths-marriages-and-civil
- Landed Estates: landedestates.nuigalway.ie:8080/LandedEstates/jsp
- Irish Genealogy.ie: www.irishgenealogy.ie/en
- Ask About Ireland- Griffith’s Valuation: www.askaboutireland.ie/griffith-valuation
- Irish Flax Growers, 1796: www.failteromhat.com/flax1796.htm
- National Library of Ireland: www.nli.ie/en/homepage.aspx
- Maps, SWilson: www.swilson.info/index.php
- Ancestry- United Kingdom: search.ancestry.co.uk $
- Family Search: familysearch.org/search
FindMyPast: www.findmypast.com/
National Library of Ireland: registers.nli.ie (Catholic parish registers)
Guide to Family History Resources at the National Library of Ireland (pdf download): www.nli.ie/GetAttachment.aspx?id=71ba8e6c-494e-4cd9-a2cf-fa243a314c11 - Irish Genealogical Society: www.irishancestors.ie/ $
- GenUKI: www.genuki.org.uk/big/irl
- Townland Database: thecore.com/seanruad/index.html
- Dusty Docs: www.dustydocs.com/Country/show/country_id/4
- Population Statistics: www.histpop.org/ohpr/servlet/
- John Grenham (former Irish Times): www.johngrenham.com/ $/free
- TIARA (The Irish Ancestral Research Association): tiara.ie/index.php
- Roots Ireland: www.rootsireland.ie/ $
- Ireland Reaching Out: www.irelandxo.com/
- Down Survey of Ireland (Map): downsurvey.tcd.ie/index.html
- Irish Genealogy Toolkit: www.irish-genealogy-toolkit.com/
- Ethos (theses): ethos.bl.uk/Home.do
- Ireland Ordnance Survey Maps (plus): www.ria.ie/library/catalogues/special-collections/modern-manuscripts/ordnance-survey-ireland-archive $ to purchase if you choose
- National Archives of the UK (Kew): www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
- Internet Archive (digital library of books, microfilm, sound, video, websites, etc.): archive.org/index.php
- Facebook groups (societies, archives, genealogy groups): www.facebook.com
- History of Ireland, Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Ireland
- Irish Genealogy, Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_genealogy
(All website links valid as of 2/28/2017.)
Offline Resources
- Grenham, John. Tracing Your Irish Ancestors. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2012.
- McCaffrey, Carmel. In Search of Ireland’s Heroes. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, Publisher, 2006.
- Moore, Wendy. Ireland. New York: Prentice Hall Travel, 1994.
- O’Dowd, Peadar. Tracing Your Galway Ancestors. Dublin: Flyleaf Press, 2010.
- O’Neill, Robert K. Irish Libraries. Blefast: Ulster Historical Foundation, 2007.
- Paton, Chris. A Decade of Centenaries Researching Ireland 1912- 1923. St. Agnes, South Australia: Unlock the Past, 2016.
- Paton, Chris. Discover Irish Land Records. St. Agnes, South Australia: Unlock the Past, 2015.
- Paton, Chris. Irish Family History Resources Online. St. Agnes, South Australia: Unlock the Past, 2015.
- Ryan, James G. Sources for Irish Family History. Dublin: Flyleaf Press, 2001.
- Tracing Your Irish Ancestors. Moorhead Magazines Ltd., Toronto, CAN, 2012.
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